The following guidelines have been established for guest behavior:

  • Be a team player - restrict movement in the aisles and other seating areas to breaks in the action.

  • Standing or sitting in the portals, tunnels and stairs, as well as sitting or climbing on the railings, is prohibited.

  • Disabled seating platforms are for guests with tickets for those areas only.

  • Tops, bottoms and footwear are required for admission.

CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches may publicly announce additional restrictions in connection with specific games or other events.

Within all ticketed areas, our staff will proactively support a family-friendly environment. The following actions and behaviors are violations of the Guest Conduct Policy and are prohibited:

  • Disruptive behavior, including foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.

  • Interference with other guests' ability to experience the event.

  • Any disruption to the progress of the event by guests' actions, including but not limited to going onto the playing field, interference with a ball in play, and/or intentionally making physical contact with a sports participant.

  • Irresponsible or underage consumption of alcoholic beverages or the facilitation of underage drinking.

  • Intoxication, diminished capacity or other signs of impairment related to substance abuse.

  • Fighting, horseplay, excessive taunting or threatening remarks or gestures.

  • Throwing objects or intentionally placing, dropping, tossing, or hurling any substance or object onto the playing field.

  • Attempts to enter the field or to cause objects to enter the field.

  • Sitting in a location other than the guest's ticketed seat or failure to produce a ticket on request.

  • Accessing areas without a proper ticket, pass and/or credential or misusing tickets, passes and/or credentials.

  • Displays of affection not appropriate to a public, family setting.

  • Obscene or indecent clothing or clothing that denotes or connotes obscene or indecent messages.

  • Violation of the Smoking Policy (see below).

  • Non-compliance with requests from ballpark staff or the police regarding ballpark operations or emergency response procedures.

  • Trespassing, soliciting, peddling and loitering.

  • Use of wheeled footwear, hoverboards, or skateboards.

  • Vandalizing, damaging or otherwise defacing any part of The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches Complex.*

  • Any other action deemed dangerous or inappropriate.

CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches staff has been instructed to work in unison with guests and to intervene when necessary to help ensure that the above expectations are met. Guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest guest experience representative, security guard or Guest Services staff member.

The CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches maintains a policy of zero tolerance regarding any violation of the Guest Conduct Policy. Any guest who violates the Guest Conduct Policy will be subject to immediate ejection without refund as well as possible arrest and prosecution, and/or having his/her Season Plan(s) revoked. All Season Plan Holders are responsible for their conduct as well as the conduct of their guests and/or persons using their tickets. Season Plans, as well as Individual Game Tickets, are revocable licenses. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches reserve the right to revoke ticket privileges for any reason and at any time during the season. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches will notify in writing the Season Plan Holder of record of any report of fan misconduct.

Smoking & Tobacco

CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches is a completely non-smoking complex (including, without limitation, electronic cigarettes). Guests also may not use any tobacco products (including, without limitation, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco) inside CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches stadium.

Banners & Signs

Banners and signs are not permitted unless otherwise approved by CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Management.

Commercial Activities

The following commercial activities are expressly prohibited inside CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Complex* and all areas under the Ballpark’s control or its agent(s)' control that require a ticket for entry, unless authorized in writing by CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Management Staff:

(a) Distribution of leaflets or other printed material;

(b) Distribution of products or performing of services, whether for a consideration or free; and

(c) Taking surveys or otherwise interfering with the free movement of guests.

Expressive Activities

The following restrictions apply with regard to expressive activities and assembly. Subject to applicable law, members of the public who so desire will be permitted to parade with placards and signs, distribute literature or engage strangers who wish to be so engaged, provided that such activities occur outside all ticketed areas of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Complex* and subject to each of the following conditions:

  • Such expressive activity is not permitted inside areas under CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Management or its agents' control that require a ticket for entrance.

  • Expressive activity may not disrupt the free flow of automotive traffic or pedestrian traffic (including access to box offices, all areas that require a ticket for entrance and office and retail areas) or otherwise cause a public safety concern.

  • Commercial activities, including but not limited to vending and the sale of goods or distribution of goods free of charge, are not permitted.

Prohibited Items

The following items are expressly prohibited inside secured and/or ticketed areas:

  • Non-clear bags. Possible exceptions to the non-clear bags include medicinal bags, diaper bags (both not to exceed 16” x 16” x 8”), clutch purses and fanny packs (both not to exceed 9” x 7” x 4”). All bags are subject to inspection.

    Clear bags exceeding 16” x 16” x 8”. Possible exceptions to the clear bag policy include medicinal bags, diaper bags (both not to exceed 16” x 16” x 8”), clutch purses and fanny packs (both not to exceed 9” x 7” x 4”). All bags are subject to inspection.

  • Metal, plastic or glass containers of any kind (except for clear, factory-sealed or empty plastic water bottles no larger than 20oz, juice boxes, insulin containers and baby food). Only one 20oz water bottle per person will be permitted.

  • Food (only permissible food items are for babies and individuals with specific nutritional orders prescribed by a physician) Any food items meeting this criterion must be contained in single serving bags.

  • Hard coolers or ice chests

  • Non-collapsible umbrellas, brooms, poles and staffs of any kind

  • Weapons (including, without limitation, pocketknives), fireworks and other illegal substances.

  • Camera lenses in excess of eight inches, tripods, monopods and selfie sticks

  • Animals (except service animals)

  • Beach balls and other inflatable items

  • Laser pens and laser pointers

  • Baseball bats (other than bats purchased at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Team Store*)

  • Alcohol not purchased at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches*

  • Noisemakers

  • Skateboards, hoverboards, and wheeled footwear

  • Any other item deemed dangerous or inappropriate or otherwise violating the Guest Conduct Policy

Violators of any Palm Beach County laws will be refused admission, asked to leave or ejected from the ticketed areas.

The Astros, Nationals, CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches and Major League Baseball thank you for adhering to the provisions of this Guest Conduct Policy. All parties retain the right to change or modify this policy at any time. Copies of this policy can be obtained online at

*For all purposes of the Guest Conduct Policy, CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Complex is defined as the area bounded by Haverhill Road, Military Trail, southern multi-purpose fields and northern walking trail.