Wheelchair accessible seating is located in the following sections: 100, 102, 105, 108, 110, 113, 118, Field Box and Lawn. Accessible seating can be purchased at CACTIpark.com or  by calling 561.500.4487.



Approximately 300 accessible parking spaces are available at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. Accessible Parking is available from the Haverhill Road entrance in all three paved lots.



The accessible drop-off is located near the Team Will-Call/ADA ticket booth. Enter at the Main Entrance from Haverhill Road. Drivers should proceed to the parking attendant and will direct the driver to the appropriate drop off location.



Accessible ramps to the 3rd Base Plaza Gate are located at each end of the west concourse walkway. Ramps are accessible from the Astros and Nationals Spring Training Gate entrances.



Assistance is provided upon request from the greeters located at each gate or by visiting the Guest Services Booth.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches address is

5444 Haverhill Road N.

West Palm Beach, Florida 33407


The Houston Astros address at the facility is

5454 Haverhill Road N.

West Palm Beach, Florida 33407


The Washington Nationals address at the facility is

5400 Haverhill Road N.

West Palm Beach, Florida 33407



Children aged two and under, who occupy the lap of an adult do not need a game ticket. Children who have reached their third birthday must have a valid game ticket to gain entrance and are permitted seating access only in their ticketed location.



 Alcohol not purchased at CACTI Park is expressly prohibited in all ticketed areas. See GUEST CONDUCT POLICY. State and Federal law prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21. Guests should be prepared to show proper identification showing proof of age when purchasing alcoholic beverages at CACTI Park. No more than two (2) alcoholic beverages will be sold per purchase per ID. Alcohol sales in general seating areas will end at the conclusion of the eighth inning, but may also be discontinued earlier at the discretion of the CACTI Park. Guests may not take any alcoholic beverages out of CACTI Park. CACTI Park encourage all fans consuming alcohol to take public transportation or have a designated driver. See DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAM for more information.




Players and field staff do not sign autographs during the game as Major League Baseball rules prohibit such activity, however players may sign autographs prior to the start of the game. Fans visiting CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches are encouraged to arrive early, when the facility opens, and seek player autographs on the adjacent back practice fields prior to entering the stadium.





Baby changing tables are available throughout CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches in every family restroom facility.



Only clear bags made with plastic, vinyl or PVC no larger than 16” x 16” x 8” will be allowed into the facility. Possible exceptions to the clear bag policy include medicinal bags, diaper bags (both not to exceed 16” x 16” x 8”), clutch purses and fanny packs (both not to exceed 9” x 7” x 4”). All bags are subject to inspection. Guests are also prohibited from bringing hard-sided containers, computer bags and luggage of any kind into the venue.


Regulations also prohibit guests from bringing certain items into CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.



There are two directories located inside the main gate and on the concourse behind home plate. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches directories will provide fans with important facility information.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches requests, for your safety and the safety of other Ballpark guests, that you do not step, stand or use seats in a manner other than intended.



Banners and signs are not permitted unless otherwise approved by CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Management.



Baseball bats may not be brought into CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.



The Batter’s Eye is the large green wall located in straight-­‐away center field. It enables batters to clearly see pitched balls, free from any visual distractions that may be present in seating areas.



The following Batting Practice schedule will be in place for the Home Games.

·       Home Team BP to start at 9:10 a.m. for 12:05 p.m. game times

·       Home Team BP to start at 10:10 a.m. for 1:05 p.m. game times

·       Home Team BP to start at 3:10 p.m. for 6:05 p.m. game times

For all other game times expect Batting Practice to start 2 hours and 25 minutes before the scheduled game time.


* Batting practice times are at the discretion of the home team and are subject to change.*



Beach balls and other inflatable items are prohibited.



Bike parking areas are conveniently located in three areas throughout the grounds:

a)      On the north side of the facility adjacent to the Astros Major League replica fields

b)      On the south side of the facility adjacent to the Nationals Major League replica fields

c)      On the west side of the facility just off the 3rd Base Main Plaza Gate



To schedule a birthday party, please call 561.500.4487.



No one is permitted to enter CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches with metal, plastic, or glass containers of any kind (except for clear, factory-sealed or empty plastic water bottles no larger than 20 ounces, juice boxes, insulin containers and baby food).  Only one 20ounce water bottle, per person, will be permitted.



For more information, please call 561.500.4487.



Brooms, poles and staffs of any kind are not permitted inside CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.





Guests are permitted to bring cameras and video equipment into CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, provided that they are for personal use only. Cameras with a lens longer than eight (8) inches may not be brought into CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, except by credentialed media. Filming of any game footage is strictly prohibited by Major League Baseball. While taking photographs, guests are not permitted to stand in the aisles, portals or walkways, or to obstruct others from viewing the game. Please make sure you are courteous to those around you when taking pictures. Monopods, tripods and selfie sticks are not permitted in CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.



Use of cellular phones is permitted, providing their use does not interfere with another guest’s ability to enjoy the atmosphere of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. The facility reserves the right to ask any guest to discontinue use of a cell phone in or adjacent to any seating area.




Unless authorized in writing by CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Management, the following commercial activities are expressly prohibited inside the complex and all areas under CACTI Park of the Palm Beach’s control or its agent(s)' control that require a ticket for entry:

a)      Distribution of leaflets or other printed material

b)      Distribution of products or performing of services, whether for a consideration or free;

c)      Taking surveys or otherwise interfering with the free movement of guests.



Premium suites at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches provide an opportunity for guests to enjoy a private space for up to 30 people. Located on the upper level, suites provide great views of the stadium and practice field areas. Amenities include air conditioning, flat panel TVs, private level restrooms, refrigerators, a suite level server and an option to add food and beverage service. To book a suite, call 561.500.4487.



Costumes/non-protective masks are not allowed at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. Management reserves the right to refuse entry and refund the ticket price of an individual in a costume/mask.



VISA, American Express, Discover, and MasterCard are accepted at the CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Box Office, Parking Lots, Team Store, and Concession Stands. Cash will not be accepted at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.






CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches wants all fans to enjoy the game and have a safe trip home. We therefore encourage you to use our Designated Driver Program. Prior to the fourth inning of the ballgame, guests who are able to produce a valid driver’s license and are at least 21 years of age are eligible to become “Designated Drivers”. In return for signing a pledge not to drink alcoholic beverages during the game and for accepting responsibility for driving other members of their group home, Designated Drivers will receive a free small fountain soda drink valid during that game only. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Designated Driver signup locations will be available at the Guest Services window located down the 3rd base concourse.



Exit I-95 onto 45th Street. Turn right to proceed west towards Military Trail or Haverhill Road, turning left onto either road for General Parking (see parking map). 



Exit I-95 from the Okeechobee Boulevard or 45th Street exits.  Using Okeechobee Boulevard, proceed west towards Military Trail or Haverhill Road. Turn right onto Military Trail or Haverhill Road. Using 45th Street, proceed west towards Military Trail or Haverhill Road, turning left onto either road for General Parking (see parking map).



Exit Florida’s Turnpike onto Okeechobee Boulevard. Turn left to proceed east towards Military Trail or Haverhill Road. Turn left onto either road (see parking map).



Drinking fountains are located near the main bathrooms on the 1st Base and 3rd Base concourses, and Left Field concourse.



Drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles are prohibited anywhere within CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches complex, including parking areas.





A fan elevator is located at the accessible entrance on the 3rd base side of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. This elevator can access the concourse and upper-level areas. Elevator access to the Field Level Box is located on the concourse level on the 1st Base side. You must have a Field Box ticket to access this elevator.



In the event of an emergency, please follow directions from any CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches representative, Public Address Announcer, West Palm Beach Police Department Officer, or West Palm Beach Fire Department Officer. If an emergency requires evacuation from CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, directions will be given over the public-address system and the video board. Guests can call 561.440.1063 to reach the Command Center in the event of an emergency.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches hires enthusiastic and outgoing people who are interested in sharing the excitement of Grapefruit League Spring Training and outside events at the facility year-round. To complete an application, please visit CACTIpark.com .



For more information, please call 561.500.4487.



For your safety, CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches and Major League Baseball require that all persons entering the facility walk through a metal detector and be screened prior to entry. See GUEST CONDUCT POLICY (Prohibited Items). This includes a thorough inspection of any jackets, coats, packages, permitted bags, purses, and other containers brought to the entry gates.



For information on games cancelled due to inclement weather, see REFUND AND CREDIT POLICY.



Following the game, guests are asked to leave CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches through designated exits. There is no re‐entry.



Subject to applicable law, members of the public who so desire will be permitted to parade with placards and signs, distribute literature, or engage strangers who wish to be so engaged, provided that such activities occur outside all ticketed areas of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. All such activities are subject to each of the following conditions:

a)      Expressive activity may not cause a public safety concern.

b)      Expressive activity may not disrupt the free flow of automotive traffic or pedestrian traffic in or to all areas that require a ticket for entrance, box offices, business offices, and retail areas, as well as areas which provide access to box offices, business offices, and retail areas.

c)      Commercial activities, including but not limited to vending and the sale of goods or distribution of goods free of charge, are not permitted.





Family restrooms are conveniently located adjacent to every main restroom throughout The Ballpark. These single-stall private bathrooms with baby changing tables also offer seclusion for nursing mothers.



Fans are prohibited from touching, attempting to touch or interfering with a ball in play or a player during a game.


Letters during the Spring Training Season (February-March) should be addressed to specific players. These letters are then forwarded to the individual players. Please be aware that the players receive a large amount of fan mail.  You may forward your fan mail to the following address:

5444 Haverhill Rd
West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Please do not send items to be autographed. We are not responsible for returning mailed items. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Front Office does not accept items to be autographed for personal or charitable reasons.



No weapons are allowed on CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches premises. This includes firearms of any kind and pocketknives without limitation.



First aid is located on the 3rd Base Concourse behind the Picnic Area. There are also EMT medics posted in specific concourse areas. If medical attention is needed notify the nearest CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches representative.



The only permissible food items are for babies and individuals with specific nutritional orders prescribed by a physician. Any food items meeting this criterion must be contained in single serving bags. No other outside food is allowed in CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. See cactipark.com/concessions for more information.



Fans are permitted to keep foul balls and home runs hit into occupied seating areas as souvenirs; however, fans must not enter the playing field area to retrieve balls or otherwise interfere with balls still in play. All fans, especially those sitting along the foul lines in the dugout and field box seats, are cautioned to stay alert for hard-hit foul balls or bats that might leave the field of play. Ticket holders assume all risks and danger incidental to the game of baseball, whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual playing of the game. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches cannot be held responsible for the conduct of other guests when attempting to obtain a foul or home run ball.





Unless otherwise announced, home games during the 2025 season begin at 12:05p.m., 1:05p.m. or 6:05 p.m. Game times are subject to change please  visit CACTIpark.com or call 561.500.4487 for the latest information and news.



There are four designated gates at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. Their locations are as follows:

a)      3rd Base Plaza Gate: West side of facility located next to concourse ticket windows

b)      3rd BaseGate: West side of facility located in Elevator Tower

c)      EXIT ONLY Home Plate Gate: Southwest side of facility located just past the Nationals pedestrian bridge

d)      EXIT ONLY Left Field Gate: Northwest side of the facility located just past the Astros pedestrian bridge



Stadium gates will open 90 minutes prior to all game times. These times are subject to change.



General Admission grants you entrance to the Lawn but is not a reserved seat. Guests are allowed to sit in either the Left or Right Field area of the Lawn. No lawn or folding chairs are permitted. Fans are welcome to bring blankets and/or towels.



If you have a group of 10 or more and would like to attend a game at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, please call 561.500.4487 and ask about special group rates.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches is committed to providing a safe environment for all of our guests. We ask that if any guest is aware of any potentially unsafe situation to please notify the nearest Ballpark representative or stop by the Guest Services Booth located behind the Picnic Area on the 3rd Base Concourse. Your eyes and ears can help to keep CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches a safe, family-friendly environment.



Please review the Guest Conduct Policy for guidelines for guest behavior.



Guest Services is located behind the Picnic Area on the 3rd Base Concourse. This service center operates from the time the gates open until 15 minutes after the conclusion of the game. Guests may obtain information, offer suggestions, voice concerns and request assistance from a Guest Services representative.





Following every Sunday game, kids ages 4-12 have the opportunity to run the bases at no cost. To participate, kids can line up between Sections 121 & 122 following the game. Entrance to the field will be through the Field Level Box. Kids will exit the field into Section 113. All participants must fill out a waiver before entering the playing area.





Laser pointers and laser pens are prohibited inside CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. See the Guest Conduct Policy for a full list of prohibited Items.



The daily lineup board, sponsored by Florida Atlantic University, is located just inside the main entrance, on the wall across from the Team Store.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches cannot be responsible for recovery, storage, safekeeping, preservation or return of any lost or found item. With that understanding, any item that has been lost or found during a game should be reported to the Guest Services Booth located behind the Picnic Area on the 3rd Base Concourse. Found items are secured in storage after each game. If an item was lost at a previous game, it will not be obtainable without prior arrangements. Please call CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Main Office at 561.500.4487 to report a lost item. Leave a detailed description of the item, the date and location it was lost, and your name and phone number. If your item was turned in, your call will be returned as soon as possible. Your name will remain on-file in case the item is turned in at a later time. Items are held for 30 days post spring training.



Every child should be told to contact a CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches representative or law enforcement officer should he or she become lost. Lost adults should follow the same procedure. A lost guest will be taken to the Guest Services Booth located behind the Picnic Area on the 3rd Base Concourse.



For a lost or stolen ticket(s), ticket(s) can only be reissued to the original purchaser with matching ID.  Tickets purchased online through 3rd-party retailers like Seat Geek or StubHub, but not through Tickets.com, are not the responsibility of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches and fans must contact their point of purchase directly.





CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Main Office is located below the concourse level just south of the 3rd Base Plaza Gate on the west side of the stadium.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches is managed by HW Spring Training Complex, LLC., a partnership between the Houston Astros and the Washington Nationals.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Team Store is located next to the 3rd Base Plaza Gate with full merchandise selections of the Houston Astros, the Washington Nationals and CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches encourages all guests to be courteous when moving around seating areas. When returning to your seats, please wait for a break in the action (between innings, between batters, pitching changes, etc.) before entering the aisles. We thank you for your cooperation.





Guests interested in performing the National Anthem before a home Spring Training game at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches should e-mail audio or video to Info@CACTIpark.com.



Musical instruments and any type of noise-making devices, not provided by CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, are prohibited.






Per Major League Baseball rules, only authorized personnel will be permitted on the field before, during, or after a game. Any unauthorized person going onto the field will be removed from CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches and subject to arrest.






Except in cases that are deemed by CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches to be life­threatening emergencies, paging is not permitted. If you need paging, please contact the Guest Services Booth located behind the Picnic Area on the 3rd Base Concourse. If you are not at CACTI Park and need to contact a guest regarding a life‐threatening emergency, please call.561.440.1063.



There are more than 3,200 parking spaces on-site at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. Parking attendants accept all major credit cards (cash is not accepted.) CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches parking lots will open on game days at 9:00 a.m. Parking lot opening times subject to change. Entrances to onsite parking can be found near Haverhill Road and 45th Street corner and Military Trail and 45th Street corner. Valet Parking is not available.



CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches provides a transport service that shuttles guests to and from designated transport stations located within the facility (See Parking Map).



Party Decks are located on the 1st Base and 3rd Base upper level and are primarily used for private events during Spring Training. With a minimum of 50 attendees, these areas are exclusive to groups with views overlooking the field. A food and beverage package can be added to the ticket order for this section.  Guests must have a ticket to enter those areas and will receive a wristband upon arrival. To book a Party Deckduring Spring Training please call 561.500.4487.



See service animals.



For the safety and convenience of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches guests, police and official security personnel are stationed throughout the ballpark. In the event of an emergency, guests should notify the nearest Guest Services representative.



Private parties, meetings, receptions, or special-theme events may be booked at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches throughout the year. Most areas of the facility are available for rental including Suites, Team Store, Party Decks, and concourse areas. For information, please call 561.500.4487 or email Info@CACTIPark.com.



Programs will be available for purchase every game day for $10.00 in the Team Store. Enjoy reading information on CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, Palm Beach County, the City of West Palm Beach, the Houston Astros, and Washington Nationals.



See Guest Conduct Policy for a complete list of prohibited items at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.



Each guest eligible to receive a promotional item must have a valid game day ticket and pass through the gate to receive the item. Promotional items are distributed one per person, not per ticket.





Handheld radios are welcome at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches as long as they do not interfere with other guests’ enjoyment of the game. Please be considerate by using earphones. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches staff reserves the right to ask any guest to discontinue the use of such devices.



The right to postpone the playing of a game shall be vested in the home club. Once a game has started, the Umpire Crew Chief shall have sole right to determine whether the game shall be terminated because of bad weather or unfit playing conditions.  Under the provisions of the Official Playing Rules, the Umpire Crew Chief shall have the sole and unquestioned authority to determine whether and when play shall be halted during a game; whether and when play shall be resumed; and whether and when a game shall be terminated because of bad weather or unfit playing conditions. The Official Playing Rules provide that when a game is temporarily suspended for rain, the Umpire Crew Chief must wait 30 minutes before calling the game. The umpire may continue the suspension of the game as long as he or she believes there is any chance to resume play, attempting at all times to complete the game.



Recycling will help keep CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches clean and green. Please pitch in! Here’s how: To make recycling convenient for baseball fans, blue recycling containers are located throughout CACTI Park  including concourses, concession areas and restrooms as well as the parking lot areas. Recyclable materials, including plastic cans/bottles, are to be placed in blue recycle containers. Remember to look for the recycling symbol on containers to ensure that recyclables are not going into trash cans and ultimately the community’s waste stream.



Guests may not exit and re-enter CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches using the same ticket or gameday credential.



In the event a game is cancelled and not played, customers are entitled to a credit or refund in accordance with CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches 2025 Refund & Credit Policy.



In the event a regulation game (4 ½ innings) is not played due to rainouts or other situations dictated by Major League Baseball, tickets purchased online through CACTIpark.com, MLB.com, Astros.com or Nationals.com or via Tickets.com phone may be exchanged for any remaining games for the home team of your original purchase (subject to availability) during the 2025 Spring Training season. Same seat location is not guaranteed.  Exchanges can be made in-person through CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches box office or by calling 561.500.4487. In the event an alternate game cannot be found, a refund can be issued upon request. Refunds are not able to be processed at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches box office. All refund requests must be received by April 15, 2025. To request a refund, you must retain your ticket and download the Rainout Refund Request Form found here.

Tickets purchased through SeatGeek or other Secondary Market Resellers - For tickets purchased via SeatGeek or another reseller, please refer to the help section of the site from which you purchased your tickets for details pertaining to postponed, rescheduled or cancelled events. CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches is not responsible for and will not provide any refunds or exchanges of any ticket purchased via SeatGeek or any other secondary market reseller. Any questions regarding tickets purchased via SeatGeek for a postponed, rescheduled or cancelled event should be directed to SeatGeek Customer Service.


Season Ticket Holders may exchange their tickets for another 2025 home team game at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches box office. If your tickets are not exchanged prior to the end of the 2025 Spring Training season, your account will automatically be credited towards the 2026 Spring Training season.


Suites and Party Decks - The person who booked the Suite or Party Deck should contact their account representative at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches for more information.


Complimentary Tickets - Complimentary tickets or equivalent tickets will be cancelled and are not valid for future games during any other Spring Training season.


Parking - In the event of a rainout, exchanges and refunds for parking will be processed in the same manner as tickets. Exchanges can be made in-person through the CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches box office or by calling 561.500.4487.



The resale of game tickets is strictly prohibited on CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches property. Any persons caught doing so shall be brought to the attention of the proper authorities.

Fans can post their tickets on the SeatGeek Marketplace through their account.



All restrooms at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches are available and are accessible to guests with disabilities. The following is a list of restroom locations on the main concourse behind the corresponding section:

a)      Men’s & Women’s – 104, 108, 113, Left Field Berm

b)      Family (All include diaper changing stations) – 104, 108, Left Field Berm



Patrons being picked up by rideshare drivers such as Uber or Lyft at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, should direct drivers to Lot A (located in the paved lot, directly off the Haverhill entrance.)





CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches offers a variety of packages for guests interested in the benefits of being a season ticket holder. For more information, call 561.500.4487 or visit CACTIPark.com/season-tickets-info.



Animals are not permitted within CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches except for trained service animal. Guests with a service animal are asked to enter through the 3rd Base Plaza Gate. Service Animals may relieve themselves in the grass area directly outside of the 3rd Base Plaza Gate.



Skateboards, hover boards, and wheeled footwear are prohibited at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.



See tobacco.



Guests can like CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches on Facebook, follow on X @CACTIparkPB and Instagram @CACTIParkPB, and connect by using the #CACTIParkPB. Guests can follow official clubs @nationals and @astros on Instagram and X.



Suites are located between the 1st and 3rd bases on the second level and are primarily used for private events during Spring Training. With a minimum of 20 attendees, these air conditioned areas are exclusive to groups with views overlooking the field. A food and beverage package can be added to the ticket order for this section.  Guests must have a ticket to enter those areas and will receive a wristband upon arrival. To book a Suite during Spring Training please call 561.500.4487.




See Merchandise.



Spectators of baseball activities are presumed to have knowledge of and to assume the inherent risks of observing baseball activities. These assumed risks include, but are not limited to

a)      injuries which result from being struck by a baseball, baseball bat or fragments thereof, equipment or pieces thereof, or thrown, dropped or launched items projections, and similar hazards; and

b)      other hazards or distractions, including spectator conduct, and incidents or accidents associated with groups or crowds of people. Additional details are provided in Ordinance number SRO.374.2011.




Strollers are allowed inside CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. However, strollers may not be stored in any seating area including accessible or Lawn seating. After entering CACTI Park, fans should visit Guest Services to ask for assistance with storing a stroller.



Sunscreen is available for purchase in the Team Store located by the 3rd Base Plaza Gate and is available in multiple pump stations located around the concourse.





The use of any tobacco products (including, without limitation, cigarettes, e-cigarettes smokeless tobacco) is strictly prohibited inside CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.




Tailgating is not permitted at the parking lots operated by CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited inside all vehicles as well as in all areas of the parking lots.



The Team Store is located to the left of Guest Services, along the 3rd base side of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. The store will open two and half hours before game time and will remain open for 30 minutes following the conclusion of the game. The Team Store will close to outside traffic when the gates open, and open to ticketed stadium guests within CACTI Park’s gates.





Non-Game Day

3rd Base Plaza Ticket Office

·       Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm


Game Day

3rd Base Plaza Ticket Office

Starting 2 hours prior to the game through the conclusion of the game


Front Office Ticket Office

·       Starting 2 hours prior to the game through the 3rd Inning




Fans can purchase tickets to upcoming games in several ways:

a)      Online at CACTIPark.com, Nationals.com/Spring, or Astros.com/Spring.

b)      By phone by calling 561.500.4487.

c)      On game day, at the Ticket Office. See Ticket Office for more information.

Save $5.00 off the ticket pricing by purchasing ahead of the game day.


CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches has the ability to host high school, amateur, softball, and men’s league baseball tournaments throughout each year. All tournaments have the opportunity to play on the same field used by the MLB players during Spring Training (based upon availability and time of year). For more information about hosting your tournament at CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches, please request information by phone at 561.500.4487 or by emailing Info@CACTIpark.com.



Tours of CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches are available all year long. To inquire about tours, contact the main office at 561.500.4487.



If towing assistance is needed, please contact the main office at 561.500.4487.





Small, collapsible umbrellas may be brought into CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches. Any umbrella that blocks sightlines or becomes a nuisance for any reason to other guests is not permitted. Guest Services representatives reserve the right to ask guests to lower their umbrellas for the enjoyment of all guests in attendance.



Ushers are stationed throughout the seating area for the convenience of our guests. Our ushers are equipped and prepared to assist all guests with any questions or concerns throughout events.





CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches Video Board is located in Right-Center Field. For any special group and/or birthday announcements, it will be a cost of $50.00. Please contact us at info@CACTIPark.com a minimum of 48 hours in advance.



Visiting team fans are our guests. Harassment of the visiting team or their fans will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches.





CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches provides courtesy wheelchair service for guests with mobility issues. When a guest arrives at the gate and requests this service, a wheelchair will be dispatched, and an attendant will take the fan to the seating area. At the conclusion of the game, the service is available to take guests to the exit. Please speak with a Guest Services representative for assistance. With a limited number of units available, wheelchairs cannot be rented or borrowed for sitting in while watching the game. The service is designed to escort guests on a first-come, first-served basis.


In the event of a medical emergency requiring wheelchair service, please contact the nearest CACTI Park representative.



Fan Will Call Windows are located upstairs in the 3rd Base Ticket Office next to the Main Gate. Will Call orders may be picked up anytime the 3rd Base Ticket Office is open.



Workouts and practices will normally start three hours prior to game time. When attending workout sessions, Astros fans can park in the Northwest Parking lot on the northwest side of the complex and Nationals fans can park in the South Parking lot on the south side of the complex. Except for the primary stadium which will only be open for games, the entire facility is open to fans to enjoy. Guests may park without charge on days during which only workouts are scheduled. On all game days, there is a charge to park whether accessing the lot for workouts or the game. Public access to practice field workouts and workouts start times are both subject to change.


Guests are expected to demonstrate proper conduct while watching workouts. Guests must respect all directions coming from CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches staff, Guest Services representatives, and Security Personnel.